What counts as one serving? The amount of food that counts as one serving is listed below.
 Grain products
1 slice of whole grain bread
30 g of cold bran or oatmeal-based cereal
½ whole grain bagel or pita
½ cup (125 mL) brown rice or enriched pasta
 Meat and meat alternatives (choose lean meats)
50-100 g meat, poultry or fish
1-2 eggs
125-250 mL beans or peas
2 tbsp. (30 mL) peanut butter
 Fruits and Vegetables
1 medium-sized fruit or vegetable
½ cup (125 mL) fresh, frozen or canned fruit or vegetable
½ cup (125 mL) fruit or vegetable juice
1 cup (250 mL) salad
 Fats and Sweets
Limit your intake of high-fat oils, spreads and dressings. For cooking, choose unsaturated oils such as olive, sunflower and canola oils instead of oils from saturated fats (palm and coconut). Eat high-fat and high-sugar snacks in moderation.
 Milk Products (choose lower fat alternatives)
1 cup (250 mL) milk
50 g [confirm] cheese
¾ cup (175 g) yogurt
Daily Nutrition Diary
See if any of the following apply to you.
 I need to eat more fruits and vegetables
Tip: Have 1 cup orange juice with breakfast, add banana to breakfast cereal, enjoy fresh fruit salad for a snack, include fresh vegetables in pasta and with sandwiches.
 I need to increase my intake of milk products
Tip: Enjoy low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with added fruit, sip a low-fat cappuccino with breakfast.
 I eat mostly white breads, rice and pasta
Tip: Enjoy whole grain breads and bagels. Eat enriched rice and pasta.
 I am a vegetarian
Tip: Get enough protein by eating more legumes such as chickpeas and beans. Increase your intake of vitamin B12 by eating more low-fat milk products.
 I eat 2-3 servings of red meat and/or chicken daily
Tip: Include one serving of fish daily (e.g. salmon sandwich for lunch, or tuna casserole for dinner) instead of red meat.
 I frequently eat high-fat or high-sugar snacks
Tip: Keep healthy snacks handy: Enjoy seasonal fruit, a handful of nuts or trail-mix, or low-fat yogurt.

Daily Nutrition Diary
Daily Nutrition Diary
Daily Nutrition Diary

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