
How could a stroke affect my health and lifestyle?

The effects of a stroke vary from person to person: some people die, others recover completely, but many have effects that could last a lifetime.

Here's what could happen to you after a stroke:

Death 15%
Very severe disability (you will need long-term care) 10%
Moderate-to-severe disability (you can function on your own but with difficulty) 40%
Mild disability (your disability is inconvenient but does not have a major impact on your life) 25%
Complete recovery 10%

A stroke can affect many different parts of your life, depending on the areas of the brain that were damaged:

Type of problem What could happen? How could this affect my life?
Physical problems

You could have weakness or paralysis along one side of your body, painful muscle spasms, vision changes (double vision or "blind spots"), difficulty swallowing, constant pain, poor balance, or a loss of fine motor skills (the ability to make small, precise movements).

It might be harder for you to get around and do your usual activities.
Mental challenges

You could have trouble speaking, understanding speech, remembering recent events, or learning and remembering new information.

You could also have personality changes, poor judgment, and impulsive behaviour.
It could be harder for you to do your job and function day to day.
Emotional changes

You may also feel frustrated, angry, depressed, or emotionally out of control.

This could put a strain on your relationships.

Some of these problems may improve over time. Stroke rehabilitation can help people regain some of the function they have lost and live life to the fullest.

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