
Beyond baby blues: is it postpartum depression?

Answer these questions to help find out whether you're suffering from postpartum depression.

1. Do you have periods of uncontrollable crying or persistent sadness?

yes no

2. Do you experience anxiety and panic attacks?

yes no

3. Are you suffering from an inability to sleep, despite fatigue and exhaustion?

yes no

4. Are you experiencing loss of appetite?

yes no

5. Are you restless?

yes no

6. Are you irritable and moody?

yes no

7. Have you been having feelings of guilt - feelings that you are a bad mother?

yes no

8. Are you lacking interest in your child?

yes no

9. Do you have difficulty concentrating?

yes no

If you answered "yes" to many of these questions, you may be suffering from postpartum depression.

Up to 80% of new mothers experience a mild form of depression shortly after their baby is born. The exact cause of postpartum depression is not known, but one cause may be triggered by the rapid change in hormonal levels that occurs immediately after childbirth.

Written and reviewed by the MediResource Clinical Team 

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