
Arthritis: how aware are you?

Answer true or false to the following:

1. Arthritis is a chronic and disabling condition.

true false

2. Arthritis, the second most common cause of work disability, affects nearly 43 million Americans - that is 1 in every 6 people.

true false

3. Arthritis sufferers should not exercise as it can further damage weak joints.

true false

4. Nearly 50% of persons who have arthritis are young people.

true false

5. Arthritis is more common in women than men.

true false

6. Arthritis is only limiting during strenuous physical activity.

true false


1. true - arthritis is a chronic and disabling condition. 

2. true - arthritis is second only to heart disease as a common cause of work disability, and yes, 43 million is a staggering number, but unfortunately it is also true.

3. false - although it was once thought that arthritis sufferers should not exercise, researchers and medical practitioners now recognize the advantage of exercising to promote the maintenance of muscle strength, joint structure and joint function.

4. true - although young people have a lower risk of developing arthritis, nearly 50% of people who have arthritis are youth.

5. true - nearly 2/3 of arthritis sufferers are women.

6. false - arthritis can also limit everyday activities such as walking, dressing and bathing.

Written and reviewed by the MediResource Clinical Team 

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