See if any of the following apply to you.

I need to eat more fruits and vegetables
Tip: Have 1 cup orange juice with breakfast, add banana to breakfast cereal, enjoy fresh fruit salad for a snack, include fresh vegetables in pasta and with sandwiches.

I eat mostly white breads, rice and pasta
Tip: Enjoy whole grain breads and bagels. Eat enriched rice and pasta.

I eat 2-3 servings of red meat and/or chicken daily
Tip: Include one serving of fish daily (e.g. salmon sandwich for lunch, or tuna casserole for dinner) instead of red meat.

I need to increase my intake of milk products
Tip: Enjoy low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with added fruit, sip a low-fat cappuccino with breakfast.

I am a vegetarian
Tip: Get enough protein by eating more legumes such as chickpeas and beans. Increase your intake of vitamin B12 by eating more low-fat milk products.

I frequently eat high-fat or high-sugar snacks
Tip: Keep healthy snacks handy: Enjoy seasonal fruit, a handful of nuts or trail-mix, or low-fat yogurt.

Print this chart to keep track of your daily meals and snacks. You can also read nutrition tips to help you get enough vitamins and nutrients.

Daily Nutrition Diary